Thursday, June 7, 2018

Saturday Bike Ride and Heidelberg

 We work all week and look forward to our weekends when we usually have some sort of outing with just the two of us or with other missionaries serving the church here in Frankfurt.  We have had two more couples arrive this past week, we haven't had a chance to get to know them yet.  We are enjoying our associations here so much.  The people who have set aside 18 months to 2 years away from their families are such big hearted and kind, loving people and we are so blessed to have made so many wonderful friends.
It was a beautiful Saturday, beautiful mild weather and Tony and I decided to ride our bikes North to Hausen.  The farm land and green belt and river are just a beautiful sight.  

 As we road our bikes I snapped a picture of Tony riding ahead of me thru the little town.  This is what a typical street looks like in any neighborhood in Germany.

 We have loved our bike rides on the weekends, when we get a chance to enjoy the countryside.  We realize all the more that this is our last summer to ride these beautiful streets because we will leave to go back home in December this year so we are taking every advantage to take walks and ride our bikes.
 This small home reminds me of our home in Massapequa New York so I took a picture of it.  The houses here are quite small and modest.
 This is the entry to our apartment building.  Yes, we take our bikes up the elevator and keep them in our apartment entry way.....not a lot of room but they will go back down to the "keller" (which is our storage unit in the cellar) in the Fall.

 One Saturday we decided to ask Paula and Randall Call (our next door neighbors) to take a ride with us (45 minutes) to Heidelberg to see the Allstadt (old town).  We first drove up the mountain to the overlook of the city.  It was a hazy day unfortunately, but still beautiful!  Heidelberg is a town that sits on the Neckar River in Southwestern Germany.  It is home to the Heidelberg University founded in the 14th century.

 This is the charming cafe lined Marktplatz in the Allstadt with the Gothic Heiliggeistkirche in the background.  Heidelberg may have escaped bombings during WWII because the United States wanted to use the Allstadt as a base after the war because of it's great infrastructure.
In 1945 General George S. Patton was in a car accident and died in the Heidelberg US army hospital.
 Me and Paula
Leaving the Catholic church (on the right)

 Believe it or not, cars actually drive down this street!
 Heidelberg castle in the background....towers over the city across the Neckar River

 Typical housing on the North side of the Neckar River

 This was taken from across the river looking at the castle

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